$25.00 USD

Community Breathwork Call

Join us for an evening of shamanic breathwork: breathing into the sacredness of life


5pm PT / 8pm ET



The Zoom link will be emailed to you once you complete the purchase and log in. 

This session is led by Allison Burtch, who is a shamanic breathwork practictioner, and who leads transformational group workshops and 1:1 coaching sessions.

Breathing with a conscious connected breath can be a dynamic and activating process, and as such, in reading this waiver you agree to take personal responsibility in your breathing experience. 

This practice is not a substitute for medical advice or care. Please note all medical and psychological contraindications to transformational breathwork. The facilitator cannot be held responsible for any mental, physical, or emotional challenges which arise from doing this work. 

  • Epilepsy or seizures

  • Heart conditions or arrhythmia

  • High blood pressure

  • Low blood pressure with fainting history

  • Delicate pregnancy

  • Bi-polar disorder, schizophrenia or psychosis

  • Untreated/severe PTSD

  • Pre-existing lung disease

  • Recent major surgery

  • Glaucoma/detached retina

  • Severe osteoparosis

Please contact me if any of these apply to you and you would like to discuss doing breathwork. Most often, you may still breathe with us, I will just suggest using a nose-breathe for the duration of the experience. Thank you for taking care of yourself by listening to your body. 


Please don't let this turn you off to breathwork. In most cases, breathwork is an incredible time of connecting with your own body. It can feel liberatory and healing to connect with your own wellspring of life. 



This was the most powerful healing work I have ever done

Breathwork client

I was a bit fearful but felt very safe and empowered to work through the fear, thanks to Allison's guidance and presence

Breathwork client

The best part was the time and attention that I dedicated to myself. It felt so grounding. It was one of those experiences where you think the way you interact with your surroundings has been forever changed. It felt like I had access to standing in my own power no matter who or what I might encounter.

Breathwork client